Sunday, June 6, 2010


It has been absolutely the craziest week ever.

Last Saturday, Sean and I both graduated from Biola University!

Then we went to Roscoe's to celebrate!

Then we stayed up until at least 3:00 a.m. moving Sean out of his apartment.

Then we went to church and stayed for the potluck lunch, where they had a big chocolate cake to celebrate us and Father David gave us a blessing for our upcoming marriage.

We spent Monday hiking in Pasadena's Eaton Canyon, and had one of the best days ever...trails, running stream, amazing waterfall, warm sunshine, great conversation...

Monday evening we came back to La Mirada, and made a delicious spaghetti dinner with Jason, and enjoyed drinking red wine and playing Boggle.

On Tuesday Sean went with me to a job interview in Manhattan Beach, which went quite well!

Then we babysat Claire and Nicholas for the afternoon, and had fun taking them to the park.

Next we drove down to Irvine, and Sean hung out at a Starbucks while I babysat for the Kims for the last time.

Wednesday was filled with more babysitting...including my last time babysitting for the Lee's.

On Thursday morning, I got in a very, very, very minor, but no less upsetting, car accident, which made me late to my last day of work with Claire and Nicholas.

I picked up my wedding dress on Thursday!

Sean and I bought a super awesome bed for an even more amazing price!

And I stayed with the 3 Moothart boys overnight while Emily and Gabe went away to celebrate their anniversary.

Friday was spent with the Moothart boys. Sean and I bought them Happy Meals and took them to La Mirada Park where we fed the ducks and played Lava Monster.

Friday night we ordered pizza with Sean's friends, and drank homemade beer (which tasted terrible, therefore I consumed almost none of it) and talked about how awesome Harry Potter is until late in the night.

Today (Saturday) I had a second job interview in Manhattan Beach, which I am waiting to hear back about. We looked at a potential apartment and furniture...put our engagement photos up online...and tried to take a deep breath before another crazy week begins tomorrow.

I can't wait for a rest. On June 27th.