Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weekly Review:

So I believe that it's time for a little update on the Thomas family. After celebrating Harry Potter's birthday at the Magic Castle, we've been thoroughly enjoying the first week of August. We made a budget, and stuck to it this week (and we have high hopes for the next week as well)! We're working out a pattern of regularly grocery shopping and keeping our house clean, which is a bit of a challenge for two highly unstructured people like Sean and I--but bit by bit we hope to create a structured life that works well for us, and still leaves room for our laid-back personalities. On Tuesday Sean registered for his Talbot classes, and now he's really excited about taking Roman Catholic Theology, as well as three other classes, in the Fall. We spent Monday evening with the three Moothart boys, and had an absolute blast with those three clever and adorable boys--especially because they persist in believing that Sean is my dad, haha! We've been doing our laundry at the Sywulka's house, and in exchange we give them avocados from our tree. Sean has also started taking piano lessons from Karissa, in exchange for helping out around their house/construction site. Now he knows where Middle C is!!! On Sunday evening we ate dinner at the Sywulka's house, and Greg and Lauren came as well...Elizabeth made fettucine alfredo for everyone and it was delicious. Last night we ate cheese quesadillas, chips, and Mrs. Sywulka's guacamole--which I kept insisting comes from heaven and not from earth. IT IS SO GOOD! Tonight we had our favorite: breakfast for dinner--with hashbrowns which we bought from Trader Joe's. All week we've been working on a 2,000 piece jigsaw puzzle of San Francisco while listening to The Two Towers--it's been so much fun! Sean is reading Father David's (our priest) science fiction series: the Starman Saga, and I am re-reading The Brothers K--the one by Duncan, not Dostoevsky. It's taking me a little longer than I'd like (my reading has slowed down considerably since I'm working full-time and I'm married), but it's alright because it's such a great book that I don't want it to be over. I'm also listening to Anne of Avonlea on audiobook, and reliving so many of my favorite Anne-moments. So far, I'm still really enjoying my job--I met another American nanny who works just across the street for a little girl, so on Friday we took our two charges to the park and we got to talk. It turns out she's also a Christian, which was really encouraging to me to be able to relate on that level. On the way home, we met a dog named Tracy Jane who is a Wheaten Terrier, and now I HAVE MY HEART SET on having one!

And now we're on the eve of another week--may it be filled with God's grace and blessing! Love to all family and friends far and near--we miss you all!

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