Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Best Week of My Life Approaches:

Tomorrow, after work, I'm catching a flight up to San Francisco, and on Tuesday I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed as well as a bunch of other dental work done. I will probably be out for 6 hours. Now, before you start to feel sorry for me, please don't. I am actually looking forward to this for several reasons:

1. I get a week off of work
2. I get to take moderately powerful narcotics legally
3. I will be sleeping a lot
4. I will be reading a lot (The Hunger Games)
5. I will be taking lots of warm baths while reading People magazine
6. I will be spoiled by my in-laws
7. I could wake up from my surgery speaking another language, the way Dan did

I'm pretty much about to experience the peak experience of my life. I doubt that ever again will it be my duty to relax, recover, and do nothing for a week. So, I guess after this week, it's all downhill from here.

(Side note: I am aware that I could react poorly to the anesthesia or develop that dreaded condition called Dry Socket. However, I am choosing to focus on the positive!)

And with the utmost sincerity, I must say that I am so thankful to God for providing the opportunity and the resources for this much needed work to be done. God's provision and the fact that I live in a time and a place where this excellent care is available to me are my most important reasons to be grateful and cheerful!


  1. I would love to know if this turned out to be the best week ever for you. I was SO excited about the week after sinus surgery for pretty much the exact same reasons, and felt so robbed when I found out that post-surgery life is not the dream I thought it would be. I hope yours was everything you hoped for!

  2. Sah, I too experienced the bitterness of disappointment! I was either in too much pain or too drugged up on painkillers to enjoy myself. I did manage to slip in a few chapters of the Hunger Games here and there, in between vast amounts of sleep and nausea.
