Sunday, June 5, 2011

Vinny Saves the Day!

I come into work early Wednesday morning, wake up Vinny first and then Giuliana. While I'm helping Giuwels pick out her clothes for the day, I hear Vinny calling me, "Carolyn! Come here!! I want to show you something!!!" So off I go across the hallway, to see Vinny's latest favorite treasure. He hands me the silver-colored Nordstrom box that his mom recently gave him to play with, and says, with anticipation, "Open it!" By now Giuwels is standing in the room beaming because she is in on the secret. I open it and see the circular tin container for his Mickey Mouse pocket watch. "Open that too!" Vinny commands, and so I pull off the lid, and there, to my extreme astonishment and shock, lying in the small circle of black felt, is my wedding ring. I look at the ring finger on my left hand and notice that it's empty. For the briefest, most stunned moment, I feel like Vinny is proposing to me, and then I remember that I took the ring off yesterday when I was putting on Giuliana's tights for ballet. I didn't want my ring to tear the tights, and then we were in such a hurry to get out the door that I left my ring sitting on Giuliana's dresser! "Vinny! Thank you! You saved my life! Oh my gosh! Thank you! I can never thank you enough!" Vinny and Giuwels are both talking at the same time, trying to tell me how they came about saving my ring. They are both thrilled by how close the ring came to being lost--Giuwels found it in the midst of a crazy stuffed animal-throwing fight between the two of them and said, "Look what I found, Vinny!" When Vinny saw it, he knew right away that it was mine. He then informs me that he tried it on all his fingers while they watched American Idol that night, and then he decided to put it somewhere safe. And that is the story of how I lost my most expensive possession and how Vinny saved the day!

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