Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So apparently the possibility of an earthquake has not yet entered my still seemingly Floridian mentality. The first earthquake I experienced was last year, while I was visiting Sean in his dorm room at Horton. The room started shaking, all the furniture was vibrating, and it never crossed my mind that this could be due to an earthquake, I simply said, "Sean! Stop shaking the room!" To which he replied, "I'm not doing anything!" And I dogmatically refused to believe him.

This morning, I was awakened around 4:00 a.m. to my bed shaking, the entire room shaking quite violently. In my half asleep state, I sat up in bed and saw my roommate Shaya sitting up in her bed, and I promptly felt intense amounts of anger towards her as I thought, "Why on earth is Shaya shaking the room like this?! I wish she would stop!" Then I went back to sleep. It was only this morning upon talking to my cousin Lisa who is visiting from North Carolina that I realized an actual earthquake occurred last night.

Spring is here! As much as I loathe the fact of losing an hour of sleep, I love the longer days, the extra rays of sunlight, and I am greatly enjoying the warmer weather. Yesterday Claire, Nicholas and I played outside all afternoon: drawing with sidewalk chalk, filling up cups of water with the hose and then pouring them out into the grass, visiting with the neighbor kids Shelby and Chase, going for wagon rides around the block, and just having a grand time. We lost electricity at their house around 4:00 p.m., so when I laid Claire down for a nap at 5:30, I took Nicholas outside. We sat outside in the gathering twilight, and watched the sun go down, watched the airplanes making vapor trails across the sky, and watched the setting sun turn those vapor trails to ribbons of gold. The neighborhood was delightful and peaceful in the cool of evening. Families were talking outside, the kids playing and riding bikes in the street. I held Nicholas in my lap, wrapped up in a baby blanket to keep him warm, and his chubby little baby body felt so cozy and warm in my arms. He sat so quietly, he didn't make a sound the whole time, just sat sucking contentedly on his pacifier and watching everything going on with his big brown eyes.

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