Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Birthdays, Old Friends, and Boston!

Today was Claire's birthday, which means I got the day off work. But yesterday, I got to celebrate with her. I brought her a princess balloon, and a bag full of gifts, and a Dora the Explorer card, and we made funfetti cupcakes, and she thanked me about a hundred times for all her gifts. I love that little girl (and her brother) so much! My favorite gift that I gave her was beginner's chopsticks, because she always asks me for two drinking straws and then uses them to stab (very unsuccessfully) at her food and tells me that they are her chopsticks.

Yesterday was also wonderful because Andrew and Sarah came into town! We had a celebratory dinner at California Pizza Kitchen, and then went back to the guys' apartment and reminisced about our college days. Oh, the memories! The best part was most definitely when Scott said, "Well, if we're all done here, I think I'll head over to the Christian Bookstore."

I used today to accomplish a lot of things on my To-Do List. I'm trying to get as many things done as possible before I head off to Boston tomorrow. Yes, that's right, tomorrow night I'm flying out to Boston to visit my oldest and bestest friend: Megan!

So, hurrah, I'll write from Boston!

Love to all!

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