Saturday, October 9, 2010

Things I'm Ashamed of Liking:

Or, as we say in America, "Guilty Pleasures":

1. Pizza Hut

I don't know if it's the fact that my family went there for the buffet every Wednesday on my dad's day off, or that Pizza Hut has figured out how to make pure, unadulterated grease appear in the form of bread, cheese, and toppings....Whatever it is, I am fully aware of the baseness of my taste. (I mean, a large pizza with three toppings for $10? You get what you pay for.) But I am convinced that I could travel to the four corners of the world and never taste any pizza better than the one they make at the Pizza Hut on Whittier and Telegraph.

2. Cheesy Pop Songs

I think the statement, "'California Gurls' by Katy Perry changed my life," is a sufficient explanation.

3. Reality TV

The Kardashian Wedding made me cry, and if I see even 20 minutes of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" it's all I can think about for the next week. Combining all the relational drama that my feminine (and nosy) soul craves with my highly addictive nature explains why there's a strict ban on cable in the Thomas household.

4. The LA Dodgers

It took me a little while to realize that as a San Francisco Giants fan, it is not kosher to also like the Dodgers. When Sean and I got engaged I officially transferred my baseball allegiance to the Giants (for the sake of marital bliss)...but I can't escape the fact that when I'm driving down the freeway and see a Dodger blue sign that says, "THIS IS MY TOWN," my heart gives a little leap of forbidden love.

There are plenty of things I'm not ashamed of liking--such as Hawaii, Russian literature, naps, rainy days, grapes, the color yellow, and warm towels...but these are the things that remind me I am still a work in progress!



    You know whats even more pathetic than your #3? I don't watch Jersey Shore, but I ask Lizzy to fill me in on what's going on, just because I like the act of gossiping. Did the same thing with The Hills.

  2. Oh, and I totally understand the Dodgers thing... I get so ashamed when I well up with forbidden feelings when I see Raiders' "COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE" billboards around Oakland.

    Embrace your guilty pleasures! (Except the Dodgers, of course)
