Sunday, October 31, 2010

GO GIANTS!!!!!!!

I have never seen Sean so excited as he is now about the Giants playing in the World Series! This afternoon, while I was taking a nap, he dyed his beard black in order to look like the Giants' closing pitcher Brian Wilson.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Unmerited Affirmation

(As told by Sean)

Last Sunday night I went out for an hour or so to practice my upcoming Punk n’ Pie performance (October 29, 2010; 7:00p; Be there) and before I left Carolyn told me that she would do the dishes and clean up the house. I come back and the house looks noticeably cleaner, we go to bed, and Carolyn’s work although noticed, went unthanked. Carolyn typically falls asleep before me because I like to stay up and watch an iTunes University podcast, read for school, or watch highlights of the most recent Giants game especially since they are in the playoffs! After I finish up on the computer, I generally lie awake thinking and praying for at least 20 min. On this particular night while I am lying awake the thought came to my head that in the morning I should thank Carolyn and affirm her for working hard and for especially doing the dishes. As I am thinking these thoughts Carolyn gets up to use the bathroom and get some water just like she does every night. So I figured this would be a great time to gently affirm Carolyn and thank her for doing what she did. She gets back in bed and I turn to her and say, “Carolyn, thank you for doing the dishes tonight, you work so hard and I really appreciate it.” My beautiful, half-awake wife mumbled back to me, “I didn’t do the dishes,” and then quickly rolls over and goes back to sleep thinking my wrath may come upon her for not doing the dishes. Feeling no emotion one way or the other concerning the matter I roll over and go to sleep. The next morning Carolyn being unsure of what happened because of her midnight drowsiness asks if I randomly thanked her for doing the dishes and if so why. I simply told her that I had neglected to check to see if the dishes were done and thought the best of the situation and of her. I told her not to worry about the dishes and that they would be done eventually. The dishes did get done, but Carolyn did not do them and neither did I do them. The cleaning lady that our landlord has come once a month to clean her house and our guest home did the dishes, which was certainly appreciated very much by the both of us. Thank you, Cleaning Lady, wherever you are.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Things I'm Ashamed of Liking:

Or, as we say in America, "Guilty Pleasures":

1. Pizza Hut

I don't know if it's the fact that my family went there for the buffet every Wednesday on my dad's day off, or that Pizza Hut has figured out how to make pure, unadulterated grease appear in the form of bread, cheese, and toppings....Whatever it is, I am fully aware of the baseness of my taste. (I mean, a large pizza with three toppings for $10? You get what you pay for.) But I am convinced that I could travel to the four corners of the world and never taste any pizza better than the one they make at the Pizza Hut on Whittier and Telegraph.

2. Cheesy Pop Songs

I think the statement, "'California Gurls' by Katy Perry changed my life," is a sufficient explanation.

3. Reality TV

The Kardashian Wedding made me cry, and if I see even 20 minutes of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" it's all I can think about for the next week. Combining all the relational drama that my feminine (and nosy) soul craves with my highly addictive nature explains why there's a strict ban on cable in the Thomas household.

4. The LA Dodgers

It took me a little while to realize that as a San Francisco Giants fan, it is not kosher to also like the Dodgers. When Sean and I got engaged I officially transferred my baseball allegiance to the Giants (for the sake of marital bliss)...but I can't escape the fact that when I'm driving down the freeway and see a Dodger blue sign that says, "THIS IS MY TOWN," my heart gives a little leap of forbidden love.

There are plenty of things I'm not ashamed of liking--such as Hawaii, Russian literature, naps, rainy days, grapes, the color yellow, and warm towels...but these are the things that remind me I am still a work in progress!

Monday, October 4, 2010

I love Fall!!!!!!!

Today was a great day.

I got my haircut.

I went grocery shopping.

I deposited my paycheck and mailed a birthday card to my new sister.

I bought a 3 month supply of contact lenses, so I'll be able to see for the rest of the year.

And it was cold! And rainy! And so unbelievably cozy. I got to read in bed and eat licorice. I took a three hour nap while it rained outside.

I made a delicious dinner: green beans and potatoes, salad, cheese, grapes and raspberries.

I got a package in the mail! (New clothes from American Apparel, LOVE!)

I did laundry and washed a billion dishes.

Our house is clean, and the table is decorated with freshly picked apples and Indian corn from our apple-picking adventure of last Saturday.

And I even had time to make pumpkin bread as a surprise treat for Sean.

It's a good feeling: clean clothes, clean dishes, plenty of food in the fridge and the cabinets, money in the bank, and time to spend with my husband in our cozy little home.

Thank you, Lord!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Big Milestone!!

On Friday, October 1, 2010, I received my first ever SILLY BAND!!! These things are so cute and charming, and I just love them! Giuliana and I picked Vinny up from school on Friday, and I took him Staples so he could buy more silly bands for his collection....When he was showing them to us on the drive home, he held up this cute little pink snail, and I fell in love! When we got home, he gave the snail to me, and I haven't taken it off all weekend! How adorable is this???