Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Be a man, Allan!!!!!

In a couple hours I'm going to catch the commuter rail and head to Boston to catch my flight back to L.A. I am simultaneously happy and sad. I've been having such a great time with Megan, and I feel so at home here, that it's hard for me to reconcile myself with leaving. At the same time, I am flying back to a very full, wonderful life: thus, I am happy.

Last night I made a wedding website on The Knot. Now I feel like my wedding is even more of a reality...especially since it gives you that little count down thing. 80 days, and I will have a different last name! Megan and I had a wonderful lounging day yesterday...Or I guess I was the one who did the most of the lounging while she worked and went to classes, but I did go to one class with her. I napped, worked on a bunch of wedding details (this event might actually come together, believe it or not), and read Things I've Been Silent About, by Azar Nafisi (so good). We had Annie's Mac and Cheese for dinner, and watched Jeopardy, LOST, and an Office Marathon on TBS--Consequently I have been singing all day, "Ryan started the fire!"

Today we went on a walk in the woods--I wanted to go one more time before I had to leave. Sean's been sending me pictures of sea turtles on the beaches of Oahu, so I've been desperately wanting to see a turtle myself--And today, while we were walking in the woods, I found a little turtle right in the middle of the path. I screamed, and nearly scared Megan to death, but it was very exciting! We almost met a horse on the trail whose name is Dustin Hoofman, which makes me really, really glad since I am a devoted fan of The Graduate.

On Monday, Megan and I took the commuter rail into Boston, and then the T out to Cambridge where--with all the good fortune in the world--we stumbled onto the best tour of Harvard ever given in the history of the world. The guy leading it was this dynamic, hilarious history major wearing a shirt reading, "HAHVAHD," and he told the funniest stories so that by the end we were hanging on every word. I saw the windows of the rooms where John Adams, John Hancock, and Sam Adams well as the dorm where JFK and Teddy Roosevelt lived while at Harvard. So much history! We also learned about lots of Harvard legends, rituals, and secrets...Primal Scream being our favorite. By the end of the tour, I was happy to tip him the requested 10 dollars, and I walked around laughing unstoppably for the next hour. I bought a Harvard magnet for my collection, and then Megan and I had lunch at a bar called Grendel's Den. I had to eat there, just for the name. We ordered the Cheese Fondue for Two--Neither of us having ever had cheese fondue before, we figured Grendel's Den was the appropriate place to try it. My words upon tasting the said entree went something like this, "I have found love....I have come home."

After that we took the T to Beacon Hill, and walked down Charles Street until we reached Boston Public Gardens, and I got to see Make Way for Ducklings! We walked through the Gardens and the Boston Common, and everything was so green, the flowers blooming, Spring coming, the trees swaying in the breeze--It was so pretty that it literally hurt. We picked up the Freedom Trail and followed it all through Boston, seeing many amazing historical sites along the way, until we reached Old North Church--the church where Paul Revere saw the lanterns, "One if by land, two if by sea!" I've been there before, but I think that this time I had more of the capacity to appreciate it. There was also a statue of St. Francis preaching to the birds in the garden outside the church, and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Well, I've got to go pack!

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